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This is the place for artist

To show their work to the world






























Today's Featured Artist:


Zoltán Molnár-Göb

I hope you like what you are about to see.


 I paint, do graphic design and much more; such as making lead-glass, sculpting, ceramics, visual art design, designing decorational items. I also paint large murals. In addition, I teach art – interior and fashion designers, decorators and applied graphic designers.

I feel all these art forms are in symbiosis.


Even though my work is art, the customers’needs are my priority.

Naturally, I offer  my own designs, but my primary goal is to realize your ideas. For example, lead glass can be an inlay in a closet door or window. If you want your own   Van Gogh, Klimt or Kandinszkíj, not a problem, I can paint you any replica.  If you would like your loved ones painted, that can be painted as well – just send me a photograph.   


I am very flexible and open, in addition to offering unbeatable prices. Check out my FB page: mgzart.




facebook: mgzart



Click here to see Zoltan's work

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